A “Devout” Change !

By this time most of us who pay attention know that President Joe Biden considers himself to be a “devout Catholic.” He proclaims his “devoutness” even though seemingly he does whatever he can to promote abortion. As far as I am concerned everyone can have their own attitude toward abortion. Certainly there are Catholics that are pro-abortion, while most devout Catholics that I am aware of are anti-abortion.

However, to me, there is a big difference between being a Catholic who personally is in favor of abortion, and being a Catholic who goes out of his way to push abortion. And with this last statement one has a honed-in view of Joe Biden, but again, as is often the case with Joe, it’s worse that that. Let’s look at some of the things that he has said in the past.

1974 interview with Washingtonian:

“I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body,” Biden said during the interview.

(Sounds pretty devout.)

In a 1977 letter to Delaware constituents:

“The 1977 fiscal year appropriations bill prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortions ‘…unless the life of the mother is in danger.’ This is the position which I have consisted supported.”

(His devoutness persists.)

2006 interview with Texas Monthly:

“I’m a little bit of an odd man out in my party,” Biden said. “I do not vote for funding for abortion. I voted against partial birth abortion—to limit it.”

He continued, “I do not view abortion as a choice and a right. I think it’s always a tragedy, and I think that it should be rare and safe, and I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions.”

(“rare and safe” … still sounds devout.)

But as we all know with politicians, even with “devout politicians,” their views may change as they attempt to get elected.

2019 Planned Parenthood Speech:

“It should be the law,” Biden said, in regard to the Roe v. Wade decision.

(Oops! A big drop on the “devoutness” scale.)

Noe that he is President his “devoutness” seems to be continuing to go in the opposite direction, as he is doing everything he can to promote abortion, as he just opened up federal funding from the Title X program to clinics that refer for abortions. (Under the Trump administration, such clinics also had to be physically and financially separate from facilities that performed abortions.)

(Now he sounds like the antithesis of devout!)

But it gets worse as he just appointed an ambassador to the Vatican. Who? you might ask. Well of course it had to be another devout Catholic!

He appointed Joe Donnelly , an ex-politician, who was one of the last House Democratic holdouts who abandoned their opposition to abortion and voted for the bill on its final passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010.

(He sounds like he is in the same devout category as Biden.)

I guess that this is Biden’s way of “sticking a finger in the eye” of Pope Francis.



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