A Cyber War Next ?

A friend of mine is a retired FBI agent and he told me about where and how “bad guys” hid some of their cash. From his personal experience he stated that cash would most often be found in plastic bags stuffed in freezers and/or put into books. Of course, all criminals would not use freezers and books, but apparently they felt that these hiding places were the best.

At this point I can almost hear you saying, “Okay, okay, interesting, but really who cares with the myriad of other problems all around us?”

My ex-FBI friend brought this up recently because he thinks that the next  move by Putin will be a retaliation for the credit card companies making most credit cards unusable in Russia.  This retaliation will involve cyber warfare such that credit cards will be unusable. Could the U.S. economy function without credit cards? … barely! When this happens there will be a run on banks as cash will be king. A truly scary process as with no credit cards cash will be the only acceptable thing at grocery stores, etc.

Now the purpose of this essay on the potential cyber warfare … His advice is to have cash available in your house, mainly hidden in your freezer and in certain books. He advises having enough to tide one over until the upcoming potential cyber shutdown is remedied. How much is enough? He suggested $2000. With interest rates very low, and one is able to access that much cash, I guess why not?

Why hide it? … because most will not have the foresight to plan for this potential catastrophe, and consequently there will be thievery of individual households when it becomes apparent that there is cash somewhere in that household. One final piece of advice from my friend is to make a note of where the cash is hidden so that if worse comes to worse, your other family members can find it.


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