A Conspiracy X 2 ?

This morning within a space of thirty minutes I read two different articles, both of which questioned the safety of the Covid vaccines. The response from some to what I am going to say will be along the lines of … “Conspiracy theories, they’re everywhere. Just ignore them and they will go away!”

Yes, admittedly conspiracy theories are often ubiquitous, but what grabbed my attention about these two pieces was that they were from different sides of the globe, and they separately looked at two different, although potentially related, Covid vaccine issues.

First, from Epoch News out of Canada:

“An Alberta doctor is calling on the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) to look into what he says is a significant jump in doctors’ “sudden deaths” following the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines beginning in December 2020.

“I am now providing you an update with information about 80 young Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines,” wrote Dr. William Makis, a nuclear medicine physician and a former clinical academic colleague at the Department of Radiology at the University of Alberta, in a letter to CMA on Oct. 15.

In addition, he shared his analysis of the death rate of different age groups, starting with all doctors under age 50, who he found “died at almost twice the rate in 2021 (and will be the same in 2022) compared to 2019 and 2020.”

“All doctors under age 40 died at a rate 5-fold higher in 2022 compared to 2019, or 2020 (the average for the 2019/2020 period is 1.5 deaths/year, in 2022 there were 8 deaths so far, so > 5-fold),” he said.

“All doctors under age 30 died at a rate 8-fold higher in 2022 compared to 2019, or 2020 (the average for the 2019/2020 period is 0.5 deaths/year, in 2022 there were 4 deaths so far, so 8-fold).”

Now granted, these numbers are small, I have never before heard of Dr. Makis, and I have not seen his actual data. However, what I find curious is the response of the CMA (Canadian Medical Association):

In response to Makis’s letter, the CMA told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement on Oct. 17 that the association is concerned with “misinformation and conspiracy theories” spreading online about the recent deaths of physicians across Canada.

“The CMA continues to encourage all Canadians to be up to date with all their vaccines to prevent serious health issues,” Lewis, a spokesperson for the CMA added.

The second concerning set of data is from Japan (also from Epoch News):

“Researchers in Japan analyzed deaths caused by myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, where the myocarditis set in within 28 days of vaccination. Thirty-eight deaths fit the definition, about half of which were diagnosed by autopsy and or biopsy, with the others being determined through tools such as blood tests and electrocardiogram.

Researchers then took the vaccinated mortality rate and compared it with the death from myocarditis rate from the general population before the pandemic, in the years 2017 to 2019.

“Using the disclosed data by the Japanese government, we observed increased myocarditis mortality rate ratio in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinated population compared with general population during three years pre-COVID-19 pandemic era, especially in young adults,” the researchers, Dr. Sintaroo Watanabe of the Japan Marine United Corporation and Dr. Rokuro Hama of the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance, said. SARS-CoV-2 is a name for the virus that causes COVID-19.

‘However, not only in young adults, but also in the middle aged (40s) and in the elderly and overall vaccinated, increased risk of myocarditis death is associated with vaccination.

‘Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to inform public about [sic] that the risk of serious myocarditis including death may be far more serious than the risk reported before and that it occurs not only in young persons but also in elderly,’ they said.”

I not aware of whether or not Japan has the equivalent of the CMA, but I have not seen a response to this study that implies “misinformation” or “conspiracy.” Could it be that there is no equivalent Japanese word to the English “misinformation” or “conspiracy?” … or could it be that Japan is actually interested in looking into data that does not fit a preconceived mold?


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