A Brilliant Idea

To be clear let me state that I am writing this at midday on Sunday, 9/24/17, instead of watching the NFL on TV. Those of you who have been paying attention already know that I am boycotting the NFL because of the apparent condoning of these National Anthem protests by a minority of the players. The TV channels that broadcast N.F.L. games are losing viewers in droves as the ex-viewers are singing the refrain from an old song by Patience and Prudence    . . . ” gonna get along without ya now.”


This morning my wife had a suggestion concerning how to deal with this issue – or more precisely how the seemingly gutless NFL and the befuddled owners should deal with this issue. In fact I thought that this was such a brilliant idea that I embellished it just a bit and submitted it in a letter to the editor as follows:

“Another day, more anti-National-Anthem protests, seemingly condoned by the N.F.L. If the N.F.L. wanted to seriously demonstrate to the American people that it was on the side of our military and the freedoms that they sacrifice for, it would do the following:

Before the playing of the National Anthem, introduce three disabled military veterans – one white, one brown, and one black. These distinguished men/women would stand at midfield and salute the flag with the playing of the National Anthem.

Before kickoff and behind both benches, position active duty military standing at attention. With the playing of the National Anthem they would salute the flag, and then after the anthem they would escort the disabled veterans off the field.”

This idea seems like a win-win.

Multiple benefits would accrue from doing this as follows:
-The A.C.L.U. would not get bent out of shape.
– LeBron James, Jessie Jackson and the other ‘I’ve got to give my opinion so       that I can   be quoted in the liberal media’ “celebrities” would not get their spotlight taken away.
– The NFL owners would potentially demonstrate that they really do deserve     to wear    big-boy pants.
– The N.F.L. Commissioner would be spared from having to actually make a decision  on this matter.
– The TV networks could potentially stop the hemorrhaging of their viewers.
– The genuflecting recalcitrant “please put the camera on me” athletes
would maintain their “1st Amendment rights”, and as you all are aware of . . .      That is  my most pressing concern!
– And finally, maybe I could consider going back to watching the N.F.L.

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