A Boy Named Sue

Fiction Alert! (I do not want anybody offended, if perchance his/her name is Sue, Josephine, Pat, or Clair.)

Those on the left asked, “What took him so long?” The U.S had many problems, and so it certainly made sense for Josephine Biden to clearly state that biological gender makes no difference. That was in January, 2021. 

Advance the calendar two years and consider what a hero Josephine Biden is to a family that lives down the street . . .Pat and Clair and their boy named Sue. Please note that the fact that he was named Sue by his parents, Pat and Clair, is of only dubious importance. The parents both enjoyed sports and they wanted him to play in high school. However, there was a problem, as Sue just wasn’t very good at sports. Both Pat and Clair were very depressed since they had so looked forward to watching their boy named Sue play in various high school sporting events.

Back in 2020, they said, “Wait till Biden gets elected, as certainly he will remedy this unfortunate situation.” And lo and behold, on his first day in office President Biden signed an executive order that allowed Sue to compete in high school sports – in high school girl’s sports. “All Sue will need is a little hormone tweaking, and he, err … she could potentially make all-state.”

Actually after the hormones, Sue did play on many of the girl’s sports teams, but it was disappointing to Pat and Clair that he(she) only made all conference, and thus would most likely not receive any college offers.
As an aside their next store neighbor’s kid, Ashley, who the prior year had started as a junior on the high school girl’s varsity basketball, girl’s varsity lacrosse, and girl’s varsity swimming teams was unable to even make these teams as a senior – the trans-girls took all the available spots. 

When asked about Ashley’s unfortunate situation, “Both Pat and Clair in unison said, “Too bad for Ashley. Life is tough. Perhaps she should go out for boy’s ballet. We do not think that roller-derby is a high school sport.”

Obviously, Biden owed somebody, big time. On the first day, no less! 

There is however, a common sense solution for Pat, Clair, and their boy named Sue. Have three different sport categories in high school . . . boy’s sports, girl’s sports, and tran’s sports. That way everybody could play, and in addition, Pat and Clair would never have any difficulty finding seats at the tran’s games.

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