A Bizarre Addiction

As many of you are aware, I have not been pro-mask from practically the beginning of Covid. Besides the aggravation of the constant fogging of my glasses, I have never been convinced that masks were very effective. In fact because of the fogging of the glasses of many mask-wearers, it was apparent to me that if one’s breath could fog up one’s glasses, the coronavirus could easily get beyond, around, under, and through masks. It could not be a one-way street where breath could get out from under the mask, but nothing could get in beyond the mask.

Likewise I felt that the mere wearing of a mask or other even less efficacious facial coverings gave individuals a false sense of Covid protection security. (For example, a bus driver acquaintance of mine who never left his house without his mask and who wore it all day while working still got Covid, and subsequently gave it to his family. How could that be if face masks were truly protective?)

These days with the millions who have been vaccinated in addition to the millions who have recovered from Covid, the CDC has dramatically decreased its recommendations as to when the wearing of a mask is necessary. Why am I still seeing endemic mask-wearing? Has a sizable percentage of the population became addicted to mask-wearing? I can hear you basically saying … “Nonsense, silly boy!”

However I just read a 2017 Article About Mask Addiction in Japan. This article written in April 2017 warns that acculturated masks can become addictive. “People were wearing surgical masks not for the purposes they were intended for…but because they had grown used to living behind the anonymity of a mask.

“While some people used to feel safe or secure when going out with a mask, it has reached a stage where they cannot go out without wearing a mask. That’s how serious it is getting,” said Yuzo Kikumoto, a professional counselor who coined the term “mask dependency” way back in 2009.”

“Mask Dependency!” . . . Wow!

The following you can file under … You heard it here first!

I am going out on a limb here because I have no data yet on this issue, but I will predict that when studied, “mask dependency” will correlate with being a Democrat!

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