Predictable ?

Well, it was only a matter of time before the Dems went for the throat of a black member of President Trump’s cabinet. Predictable ? Yes!

Not to be dissuaded by facts, earlier this week House Democrats Carolyn Maloney (D, NY), Juan Vargas (D,CA), and Maxine Waters (D, CA), etc. took to innuendo and character assassination to attack Ben Carson, Housing and Urban Development Secretary at a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee. Their comments were used to condemn the proposal discussed by Mr. Carson to ban government aid to residents of HUD who shelter illegal immigrants. The rule change would end a Clinton-era regulation that allowed immigrants to obtain aid without having to disclose whether they were here legally. This Carson (Trump) plan could free up an estimated 32,000 public housing slots, according to HUD, as 1.6 million applicants nationwide wait to be considered.(Nationwide, it is estimated that 32,000 public households are being taken up by illegal immigrants. Keep in mind that this could be either an over-estimation or an under-estimation. I will bet that it is actually an underestimation, but either way it is a lot.)              

Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) set the tone by accusing Carson of leading an agency that is “actively causing harm,” sentiments that were shared by other Democrats on the panel. Carson subsequently pointed out that this policy was not going to have an immediate effect as the Trump administration is giving illegals 18 months to get out of taxpayer-subsidized public housing.
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., dragged the political discussion to a new low, calling Carson “despicable,” saying he will “rip apart families and be throwing children on the street.” (Carson calmly reminded Maloney that there are hundreds of thousands of children in need of decent housing whose parents are here legally. “Do you suggest that we prioritize” families breaking the law instead?”, he asked . . . there was no immediate response from one of the richest members of Congress.)

Rep. Ayanna Presley (D, MA) was also one of several Democrats on the panel to basically tell Carson he’s in the wrong field. “Today you are not here as a doctor or even as our surgeon general, which I think might be better suited for your talents, but as the official task of leading the agency overseeing our nation’s crumbling housing stock,” she noted. “And for that I do believe you are unqualified.”( For those of you who are interested I would highly recommend any of a number of Ben Carson’s books that detail his life story and his personal experiences with poverty and his growing up in Detroit. Personally, I will take Mr. Carson over Rep. Presley, who in 2009, served as United States Senator John Kerry‘s (D-Mass.) political director . . .  nuff said!) 

Democratic Rep. Juan Vargas of San Diego County chimed in as he couldn’t believe Carson could be so “mean-spirited” in prioritizing law-abiding people over law-breaking ones.

“There is an affordable housing crisis in this country, and we need to make certain our scarce public resources help those who are legally entitled to it,” explained Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson. (Call me crazy, but this seems pretty reasonable.)

And so it went: 

Carson seeking at least a partial solution to a big nationwide housing problem. Democrats resorting to innuendo and character assassination rather that addressing some solutions. 

I have not seen anything, as of yet, from the Main-Stream Media, but I would venture to guess that they will congratulate the Dems for “winning” this battle, although the Dem’s predictability nullifies the results of any of these short term skirmishes. Remember, neither the skirmish at Fort Sumpter, nor the first Battle of Bull Run, both won by the Confederacy, were important in the long term outcome of the Civil War.As I said before to me the only real surprise was how long it took for the Dems to get around to attacking Mr. Carson, who has been Trump’s HUD Secretary for over two years. Delayed, but predictable nonetheless.

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