Is the Mafia Legal or Illegal ?

In our local paper on 5/23/18 there was a front page article about the Mexican Mafia and how the Federal authorities had capped a sweeping investigation with indictments in the Los Angeles area including the L.A. County jails. The article was written by Joel Rubin and Maya Lau who write for the California News Group, which is typically liberal news group. I applauded this type of front page reporting, but something seemed to be missing.
As background the Mexican Mafia was formed in the 1950s by young Latinos at the juvenile prison. This group has evolved into a dominant force that has near complete control of criminal activity inside the nation’s largest jail system, which has approximately 15,000 inmates including those awaiting trial. They are in charge of the area’s drug trade, both inside and outside of the jails. How many of these criminals are illegal immigrants? The article doesn’t say!
The Federal probe began in 2012 and has now culminated in the arrests of dozens of the organization’s members and foot soldiers. The charges were in a bid to disrupt the gang’s control inside L.A. jails. Interestingly, one of those arrested was a lawyer who was able to ferry messages into the prisoners in the jails because of attorney client privilege. Jose Landa-Rodriguez is “accused of running the Mexican Mafia inside the jail system for years. He is accused of ordering homicides, assaults, and kidnapping.” Another member, Luis Vega, is “accused of ordering a killing and directing assaults against those who showed disrespect or failed to follow the Mexican Mafia rules.” Are Landa-Rodriguez or Vega illegals? Again the article doesn’t say, but a betting person could probably make money by betting, “ Yes, they are!”
The article details that eighty-three individuals were named in two federal indictments. Of these eighty-three individuals about three dozen were presently serving time in state prison or in county jails, thirty-two were picked up from the L.A. area, while the remainder remained fugitives. How many of those indicted are illegal immigrants? The article doesn’t say!
The indictments allege that members of the Mexican Mafia “ run roughshod over the Latino street gangs in Pomona.” Are these street gangs mainly or solely comprised of illegals? The article appears not to state the obvious!

What is missing? Why does this article not specifically state if the members of this criminal element are illegals. Inquiring minds want to know!
To me there is only one reasonable answer to that question:
In my opinion, most if not all of the members of the Mexican Mafia in L.A. are illegal immigrants. However, since this goes contrary to the standard leftist line that all illegals are good hardworking people, this issue is not addressed. In fact I would go further and say that either the writers or the final editors were specifically told not to mention the immigration status of any members of the L.A. Mexican Mafia!

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