East vs. West

At first I was I a quandary as to how people in the West could be so dumb, but then I look at who was supposedly elected President of the US, and I get it. (Even ‘Alexa’ now says that the 2020 election was stolen!)

Let’s first look at coal, and more specifically at coal generated energy in order to attempt to understand this apparent epidemic of stupidity in the West. 

At present the U.S. is doing mostly what the inane liberal politicians want to do, but does the closing of coal generating power plants in the US actually make any sense? If all of the CO2 generated in the US had an effect only on what was going to happen in the future to the US, then one could at least argue that what the liberal US politicians are forcing its citizens to do could at least possibly make some sense. But that is not how the earth works. 

Note to the liberal politicians: If it is the CO2 generated that supposedly will make a difference as far as future climate change, then it would be the world-wide generation that would make the difference.

From the Daily Mail:

“America has the third-biggest coal-fired electricity generation capacity in the world. India is second (after China) and is building more coal plants, as are the following Eastern countries … Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea and Vietnam. The Asia-Pacific now accounts for 80 per cent of global coal demand.

Even if America closed all its coal capacity tomorrow, it would quickly be more than matched by all the new coal plants coming on stream in China.

The grim truth is that China and other parts of Asia are now building so many new coal plants so fast that the ‘energy transition to net zero’ which British and other western politicians so obsess about is effectively meaningless.”

The liberals here in the US want us all to drive EV, and get rid of all things that use gas in order to cut carbon emissions. But let’s think about this for a minute.

From the Daily Mail:

“China claims its carbon emissions will peak in 2030 and hit net zero by 2060. But look at what it’s doing, not what it says: it is giving planning permission for two new coal-fired power plants every week (yes, every week).

Last year, it approved a record-breaking 106 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity. Permits are being handed out at an even higher rate this year.

The pace of construction is also increasing. China now has 243 GW of coal-fired capacity permitted or under construction.

One gigawatt is the equivalent of a coal power plant.”

So in the case of coal-fired power let’s realistically look at East vs. West. What is increasingly obvious is that the East is smart and the West is dumb!
