
In Dec.,2016, the liberal Washington Post had an editorial, “A Fight on His Hands” in which the author basically opined that that Trump and “the deniers” we’re basically imbeciles when it came to “the reality of human-induced climate change”. At the time this piece reminded me of an argument between two second graders that I recently had witnessed. Here, one of the 8 year-old’s position was basically, “Oh yeah, but you’re stupid!”

The fact of the matter is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to have an intelligent discussion on anything when one side consistently says, “Oh yeah, but you’re stupid!”, and, yes, this applies in spades with arguing “adults”.

I am just an ordinary guy and freely admit that I am not an authority on “global warming”. However, one of my friends who has researched this topic quite extensively feels that ‘man made global warming’ is . . . (because this is basically a family oriented venue) . . . malarkey. I have not studied this topic in any detail, although I became suspicious of some skullduggery when the ‘Oh Yeah, But You’re Stupid’ crowd found it necessary to change the name from “global warming” to “climate change”. Why does one change the name of his team unless something is basically wrong or offensive with the old name?

Imagine . . . We were ‘the Cubs’, but now in the 6th inning, we are changing our name to ‘the Swans’!

Anyway back in December, I e-mailed the author of the Washington Post editorial and I also submitted a letter-to-the-editor to our local liberal paper. My position basically was – if liberals are so sure that they are right, why not have a real debate on this issue.  The debate could be televised, and the phrase, “Oh yeah, but you’re stupid” would be outlawed! The ratings would be spectacular especially if this occurred in prime time, and once and for all, we ordinary folk could decide who and what to believe.

Of course my letter was not printed. The Washington Post writer never responded, but I imagine that he probably thought to himself, “Oh yeah, but he’s stupid”.

This topic recently resurfaced when the Wall Street Journal on April 21, 2017 published an editorial piece in which the author, Steven Koonin (a theoretical physicist)  wrote,”[t]he public is largely unaware of the intense debates within climate science.” He also suggested that we “put the consensus to a test, and improve public understanding through an open, adversarial process”. To me it certainly sounds like Steven Koonin, the director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at NYU, is proposing a debate.

So far I haven’t heard the rebuttal from the left, “Oh yeah, but he’s stupid”! . . . perhaps because Steven Koonin served as undersecretary of energy for science during President Obama’s first term.


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