A Continuing Saga

One controversy, which should not have been a controversy concerning Covid involved natural immunity. Why controversial? … Well, natural immunity is still a controversial issue because those who were supposed to be the experts on Covid, including the esteemed Dr.Fauci and the CDC, as far as I can tell, have never taken a position on the effectiveness of natural immunity on protection against Covid. Those to whom everyone should have looked for guidance have been silent. At the beginning of the Covid pandemic there was uncertainty concerning whether or not having Covid protected against getting Covid again. However, as time went on it became apparent that one could test for antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, and those who had prior documented Covid had these antibodies in varying amounts. As time went on it also became apparent that having gotten the Covid vaccine did not prevent one from getting Covid as the protection afforded by vaccination had a limited life span. Moreover, those who had a SARS-1 infection back almost twenty years ago still have antibodies to SARS-1 … the duration of these SARS-1 antibodies is still unknown.

The hesitancy of those who should know best is still effecting the lives of individuals even today, despite the fact that on April 11, President Joe Biden declared the national emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic officially over. Many individuals have refused to get a Covid vaccine for a multitude of reasons, including religious objections, prior Covid infection, and vaccine-associated potential side effects. As many of these cases work their way through the legal system, most courts are siding with those who refused the vaccine.

For those who have had a documented prior Covid infection, I see no reason to get a Covid vaccine. While it is true that some individuals who think that they had a a prior Covid infection, but did not get tested, could be mistaken. The answer here is simple … get a Covid antibody test. Think of the millions of dollars that could have been saved by recognizing the existence of natural immunity, and documenting such immunity by testing for Covid antibodies. Think of the thousands of people whose lives could have been put back together by a simple statement by Dr. Fauci/CDC on natural immunity and antibody testing.

In fact this issue is still having a major effect on the lives of some individuals. 

From Liberty Counsel:

“Take for instance, the case of a 41 y/o mother who homeschools her seven young children. She suddenly developed end stage kidney disease and has been on dialysis three days a week. She was referred to the Emory transplant center in Atlanta, Georgia by her nephrologist. 

Emory Healthcare has refused to put her on the active waiting list to receive a kidney because her sincerely held religious beliefs prevent her from taking the COVID shots, all of which are associated with aborted fetal cells. 

In addition, due to her prior bout with COVID, her recent antibody test shows her immunity is higher than most people who have received a two-dose series of Pfizer and much higher than most vaccinated individuals who are more than 90 days post vaccination.”

Why is Emory being so obstinate? Why is the CDC, headquartered in Atlanta, being so invisible on this topic. Could it be that both are both being unyielding, because they are reluctant to admit that they have been wrong on this issue?

Perhaps both Emory Healthcare and the CDC should take the advice of many learned individuals who have echoed, “When you are wrong admit it.”


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