Anecdotal, but Impressive Nonetheless !

I find it very interesting, even beyond quirky, when on the same day,  I read things that appear to be diametrically opposed. Today I am going to look at the inane, insane way that Ivermectin is handled in the USA and compare that to recent common sense handling of Ivermectin in Japan.

First, as I have stated many times in the past, Ivermectin has been used in billions of people in Africa to treat River Blindness – used with an impressive safety record. Here we are not talking about an experimental drug, nor are we talking about a drug to only treat horses as those on the left would have you believe, but rather a remarkably safe drug that may be of benefit to treat Covid. 

The safety record of Ivermectin is not anecdotal, and obviously impressive … we’re talking about billions, not millions,of people treated!

First Ivermectin in the US; A story of a single individual from The Blaze:

Sun Ng, a contractor from Hong Kong, was visiting his grandchildren in October when he caught COVID-19. Ng was admitted to Edward Hospital in Naperville, Illinois, on Oct. 14 and was placed on a ventilator several days later. Like thousands of other patients, the hospital offered Ng no viable hope of survival but bitterly fought the use of ivermectin, even with the family’s own doctor, at their own cost, and with their own liability. Ng’s daughter, Man Kwan Ng, sued the hospital in DuPage County Circuit Court for the right to have Dr. Alan Bain administer a regimen of ivermectin.

According to a court affidavit, at the time Ng was “in the same state for many, many days … critically ill,” and a nurse suggested that Dr. Ng “stop all this aggressive care and let [her father] die naturally.” On November 5, after Ng was on a ventilator for three weeks, DuPage County Circuit Court Judge Paul Fullerton ruled in favor of the family and allowed Dr. Bain to administer 24mg doses of ivermectin from Nov. 8 through Nov. 12. The result? Within five days, he was able to breathe without the ventilator and on Nov. 16 walked out of the ICU. By this past Sunday, Ng was breathing without supplemental oxygen on a regular hospital floor.

Wow! Seems pretty convincing that Mr. Sun Ng is still alive because of Ivermectin. Anecdotal … obviously, but impressive nonetheless!

Now let’s look at Ivermectin in Japan.

First some background information. From 8/3/21 until 9/12/21, Japan had a dramatic spike in Covid cases. When one looks at the graphics, at the beginning, the increase in the number of cases was very dramatic. So dramatic, in fact that Dr. Haruo Ozaki, the Chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, decided on 8/13/21 that he needed to do something. He stated that Ivermectin was going to be allowed to treat Covid. After 12 days there was a dramatic abrupt reversal of the slope depicting Covid cases in Japan, and I mean dramatic! 

Since mid August, continuing until now doctors in Japan can prescribe Ivermectin without restriction, and the Japanese people can buy legally buy Ivermectin from India. At present the number of Covid cases in Japan (with widespread availability of Ivermectin) remains close to zero! Compare this to an incidence of about 300/million and 600/million in the US and the UK respectively (in both Ivermectin is verboten.) Could this suddenly dramatically low incidence of Covid in Japan be due to a mishmash of different things? … certainly possible. However, the temporal relationship between the allowing of Ivermectin and the dramatic lowering of Covid cases in Japan is hard to ignore.

Anecdotal … obviously, but impressive nonetheless.

US vs. Japan on Ivermectin? To me a no-brainer.


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