Insanity With a Twist

Albert Einstein supposedly said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

For sure Einstein does not live in California … yes, I  know that Einstein died in 1955. Furthermore, I know that Einstein does not live in Santa Cruz County, California … yes, I know that he is still dead.

Like Rip Van Winkle, only those who have been asleep for twenty years do not realize that California is very liberal and of the various places in California, Santa Cruz is extremely liberal. 

At present Santa Cruz is experiencing a Covid “surge,” and so in true Einsteinian fashion they went back to their hackneyed playbook

As of 11/21/21, both people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and those who have not are required to wear face coverings indoors. Business and governmental entities are being told to require their employees to wear masks and to post signage at points of entry for their indoor settings to alert the public of the mask requirement. (As I recall,we have done this before … where’s the twist?) It’s the same-o-same-o way of dealing with Covid, and this in a county that has among the highest COVID-19 vaccination rates of any county in California, with 70.8% of the population fully vaccinated, according to the CDC.

Hmmm. A place with a very high vaccination rate is now having a “surge.” As I recall we have been here and done this before. However for the holiday festivities, Santa Cruz County has added a twist.

“Unfortunately, a potential winter surge appears to be a significant threat to the health and safety of our community,” Santa Cruz County Health Officer Dr. Gaill Newel said in a statement.

“As we look forward to spending time with those we love during the holidays, it is important to protect vulnerable friends and family members by wearing a mask indoors,” Newel said.

From now on during the upcoming holiday season, in Santa Cruz, people in private settings — including their own homes — are required to wear masks if they are visited by anyone outside of their households. 

I can only imagine how much fun a family Thanksgiving dinner will be in Santa Cruz.

However, in fairness, Looney Tunes is not limited to Santa Cruz. Whereas 

 I initially thought the following was from the Babylon Bee, it was from the NYT. An “expert” in answer to a question about Thanksgiving safety when combining fully vaccinated adults (some triple vaxxed) and children younger than twelve (partially vaxxed) said … “You could have the kids wear masks, eat quickly and stay away from the older adults when eating.” Think about that “expert advice” for just a minute. No conversation. Just eat quickly! I am sure some other “experts” are advising that children eat in a separate room, perhaps even in the garage. Speaking of garages another “expert” recommended hors d’ oeuvres in the open garage combined with Covid testing before entering the house … “You could make a game of it!”

So when the aunts, uncles, and cousins come over, no one will recognize anybody and no one will be able to understand what anybody is saying because of the masks. That should be a real festive time!

In closing to those who live in Santa Cruz and to many who read the NYT, “Happy Mask-giving!”


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