“If I Had a Son …”

On 11/19/21 Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty by a jury in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and on 11/22/21, Kyle Rittenhouse was interviewed on the Tucker Carlson Show on Fox. Right from the git-go, let’s set the record straight, I do not usually watch Tucker Carlson. I do not usually watch Fox News. In fact I do not watch much TV at all, but I wanted to watch the interview of Kyle Rittenhouse, because I knew next to nothing about him. Very sporadically I had watched parts of his trial, and this usually happened when I was at the gym, where I could not hear anything that was being said. More pertinent, I did not watch the trial when he was on the stand. A few days into the trial a basically conservative friend of mine commented that Kyle Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. When I asked him if he had he been following the case, he responded, “Only in the paper.” To me that accounted for nothing because our local “paper” does not even pretend to report unopinionated news. However, I could not adequately respond to any description of his character or defend or deny the accusation that he was or wasn’t a white supremacist because I did not know much about Kyle Rittenhouse.

On 11/22/21 we had company and so I could not watch the Tucker Carlson interview. Fortunately I was able to record it, and last night, after my wife had retired, I watched it. 

Wow! I was blown away by Kyle Rittenhouse. Intelligent, calm, well-spoken, not bitter, hard working, compassionate … we’re just a few of the adjectives I would now use to describe him. If you did not have the opportunity to watch this interview … watch it! I’ll bet that you also will be suitably impressed.

Most of us can recall a phrase that was spoken back on Mar 23, 2012 — “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” President Obama said that when talking about Trayvon Martin. Irrespective of why he said it, and irrespective of who Trayvon Martin was, that phrase made me think. In general, what are the qualities that any he/she would like his/her children to have.

 From now on whenever anyone says anything about Kyle Rittenhouse, I will ask if they watched his interview on Tucker Carlson. If they say, ‘no,’ I will then respond, “If I had another son, he’d look like Kyle.”

Furthermore, if you are not buying what I’m selling, watch the interview. I guarantee that after you do that, you also will be in the checkout line seeing if you can buy two!


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