Just Another Way of Cheating

Before I get to the meat of this piece, I want to be clear on two things.

First: From my way of thinking there is no way that Joe Biden got over 80 million votes in the last election. He campaigned mainly from his basement and had no real message. In addition he had very small unenthusiastic “crowds” when he did venture out into the open, and yet we are to believe that he “won.”

Second: I do not know any way to put this in a politically correct way … to many Democrats, cheating is a way of life. They have no compulsion about being fair and on the up-and-up. They are the epitome of “the end justifies the means” philosophy. As Elvis sang back in June, 1963, “they’re the devil in disguise.” They cheated in multiple ways in and before November, 2020. At this point I have neither the time nor the proclivity to detail all of their shenanigans, but rather would like to just focus on one … mail-in voting.

As if I needed any proof that more skullduggery is afoot, the Democrats in Congress back expansion of mail-in voting in legislation known as HR 1 and S 1, dubbed the For the People Act, which also would allow the controversial practice of ballot harvesting, ban most voter ID laws, and restrict states in maintaining voter rolls. Again remember that in their game plan, the end justifies the means.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation, a conservative watchdog group on election integrity, released a research brief on 8/18/21 assessing the effect of mass mail-in balloting in an election with a close presidential race in key battleground states such as ArizonaGeorgia, and Wisconsin

“These figures detail how the 2020 push to mail voting needs to be a one-year experiment,” J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, said in a public statement.”

Almost 15 million mail-in ballots were unaccounted for in the 2020 presidential election, and more than a million more ballots were undeliverable, according to a new study. 

The report found that 1.1 million mail-in ballots were undeliverable for various reasons. Election officials rejected another 560,814 mail-in ballots. Another 14.7 million mailed ballots met an “unknown” fate, the report says.

To further emphasize the importance of a million votes here or there, a Washington Post analysis in February found that flipping fewer than 43,000 votes across the three states of Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin could have changed the election outcome.

The Public Interest Legalized Foundation further said,

“To put these numbers in perspective, President Joe Biden carried Arizona by 10,457 votes, yet [the state’s] Maricopa County reportedly sent ballots to 110,092 outdated or wrong addresses.” The legal organization’s report also says, “The same scenario roughly happened in Nevada, where Biden carried with 33,596 votes, yet Clark County bounced 93,279 ballots.”

Another very suspicious fact:

The report identifies Maricopa County, Arizona, and Clark County, Nevada, as having the nation’s highest number of undeliverable ballots. The District of Columbia had the fourth-highest number of undeliverable ballots; all others in the top 10 were California jurisdictions.

Hmmm! Does anyone else notice the correlation between mail-in ballot incompetence and the blueness of the top ten jurisdictions? Always remember that in most blue states to the politicians, “the end justifies the means” philosophy prevails.


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