I Feel Safer Already !

I live relatively close to a college campus, and after reading an article in my local “newspaper” today, I feel safer already. In this article I learned that “the  university has hired a private security company “that will be patrolling not only the campus, but also nearby neighborhoods.” I was not aware that there was some sort of crime wave going on in my neighborhood, but I guess that I am glad to have the extra protection of a private security company that began patrolling neighborhoods this past Friday night, and will start doing the same on campus on Monday. Mirabile dictu, I feel safer already.

In addition, my local “newspaper” was out over the weekend, observing what was happening in my neighborhood. What sort of things did this “newspaper” observe between 11:30 p.m. Friday and 2 a.m. Saturday? It was able to observe about 200 bad guys, mostly students. Certainly having additional neighborhood security will be advantageous in stopping potential crime before it occurs, and believe me, I feel safer already.

What kind of crimes are these hooligans committing? Hold your breath . . .


I find it frightening that there is a private security company in my neighborhood just waiting to catch me without a mask! Horrors! Big Brother is here. . . in my neighborhood! Should I feel safer, or should I feel scared?  

The next logical step is for the university to deputize neighborhood Kens and Karens so that they can make citizen’s arrests. Even those who do not live in my neighborhood should take note, because the university realizes that there are plenty of its students that live down by the beach. Will they hire additional security companies to patrol the beach area – looking to nab more offenders. Perhaps there should be a curfew on all 18-22 year olds, not just in neighborhoods around the campus, or around the beach . . . but in the entire city! Just think how many Kens and Karens would volunteer to be deputized!

Are you still feeling safer??

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