Are Colleges Smart ?

After reading about what some colleges are doing, I must ask the question: 

“How can those who are supposed to be so smart, be sooo dumb?”

Apparently an increasing number of colleges are shocked that returning students are going to parties! Do these college presidents not understand that these 18-22 year olds are in reality still only 18-22 years old? How could they not foresee that a bunch of 18-22 year olds, who have basically been living at home under the auspices of their parents for months, were going to want to see and interact with some other 18-22 year olds? Should one expect a College Dean to be able to anticipate what a bunch of 18-22 year olds are going to do after they have been in virtual quarantine for months? 

I could go on, but “come on,” even I could have anticipated what a bunch of 18-22 year olds would do when they returned to campus  . . . they were going to party! Apparently these higher-ups at these colleges did not anticipate the obvious. They did not anticipate what a bunch of 18-22 year olds were going to do almost immediately. While living at home they were cautioned that if they went to a party, they could kill gramma. “Well gramma is home, and I am here . . . sooo. paar-tee.”

“How can those who are supposed to be do smart, be sooo dumb? “

Wait! Let’s think about this for a second: 

  • College costs a lot of money.
  •  If colleges are offering only online classes, why would people pay a lot of money for an obviously inferior product?
  • Therefore, if a college is offering just online classes, a lot of the students may take the semester off.
  • If a lot of students take the semester off . . . bad news for the college’s pocketbook.
  • So . . . a potential solution for the college is to say that they are going to have in-person learning, and when the 18-22 year olds come on campus and act like 18-22 year olds, blame them for the anticipated increase in Covid positivity, and then consequently blame them for the change to all on-line classes. 

Perhaps this is just an example of people who are supposed to be smart . . . acting smart!

(In my upcoming novella, The Keneally Chronicles, a college town thinks of a unique way to bring all the students back with 100% in-person learning.)

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