More Lockdowns … Brilliant !

This is a direct quote from Basement Joe:

“I would shut it down; I would listen to the scientists,” Biden told Muir Friday, alongside his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., during their first joint interview since officially becoming the Democratic Party’s presidential and vice presidential nominees.

Let’s get this straight … he would shut the economy down. 

Now that is an absurd promise to make to voters! Not a winning campaign issue.

In addition he apparently would attempt to mandate that everyone in the country wear masks. Another winning diktat for Karens and Kens, but I do not think that this is a winning campaign issue.

Some of his other campaign promises: 

Raise taxes . . . Not a winning campaign issue.

Get rid of fossil fuels. This at the same time as the blackouts in “green power” California . . . Not a winning campaign issue.

Forgive student loans. The ex-students like it, but not a good campaign issue for the rest of us who will end up paying for their degrees in “environmental psychology!”

My advice to basement Joe: 

“Go for it, Joe. Both myself and President Trump love these “brilliant” ideas.

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