RNC #4

The culmination of the RNC on night #4 was the acceptance speech by President Trump. However, this was not a typical Trump speech, mainly because he stuck to what was on the teleprompter. There was very little of the expected Trump spontaneity. There was very little of his usual fire. He hit Joe Biden with effective flurries of punches … supposedly he mentioned Biden by name forty-one times. Trump’s speech was too long (70 minutes), and I blame the speech writers for that. On the other hand DJT did touch on a lot of his achievements over the last four years, and because he has accomplished so much, detailing his achievements took a lot of time. The media is going to rag on him for using the White House as a backdrop, the absolutely spectacular fireworks, and the lack of spatial distancing and masks in the crowd.

To sum it up, I would have preferred a rough and tumble, non-choreographed Trump campaign speech, but I suppose that it was appropriate for him to look presidential in front of a national audience.

In my opinion the night was carried again by the multiple short speeches given by non-politicians. Dana White, president of UFC, gave a feisty speech, but his feistiness and enthusiasm was one-uped by Rudi Giuliani, who at times was close to apoplectic. One of Rudi’s good lines was: “Don’t let the Democrats do to the U.S, what they have done to New York City.” Giuliani closed with: “… make America safe again.” Ben Carson, Alice Marie Johnson (freed from jail after 21 years by DJT), Pat Lynch (NYC Police union leaders), and Senator Tom Cotton(R,AK) all gave commendable speeches, but to me, there was a tie for the most effective speeches between the following two:

One by Ann Dorn, whose retired husband after forty years in law enforcement was murdered in cold blood by rioters in St. Louis while trying to protect a friend’s business, and one by Carl and Marsha Mueller whose daughter Kayla was captured, tortured, raped innumerable times, and eventually murdered by ISIS while Biden was Obama’s VP. This narrative by Kayla Mueller’s  father and mother threw a spear through the concept that Joe Biden has any feelings. It was brutal. Biden and Obama were portrayed as unfeeling and uncaring politicians. Their telling of the story almost made me cry, and if independent voters were watching night #4, this dual speech was poison for the concept of a “compassionate Joe Biden.”

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