Award for RNC #3

As I have related I thought that the stars of RNC #1 and  RNC #2 were the little guys,and not the politicians who spoke. On night #3 my “best of the day” award goes to Jack Brewer, a life-long Democrat and ex pro football player, who supports President Trump. He initially related fighting with skinheads while growing up in his Texas hometown. “I know what racism looks like. I’ve seen it first hand. In America it has no resemblance to President Trump.” He then spoke about how the media refuses to acknowledge what Trump has done for the black community, and MSM is attempting to confuse the minds of our innocent children.

One of Mr. Brewer’s great lines was, “For the sake of our children, policies must take priority over personalities.”

He then referenced how both Biden and Harris have been directly responsible for locking up countless black men. In contradistinction, he praised Trump’s First Step Act.

He came down hard on BLM as being opposed to the nuclear family.

BTW: Did I forget to mention that Jack Brewer is a member of Black Voices for Trump.

Obviously the RNC is going out of its way to appeal to black voters, and Jack Brewer was a big step in the right direction.

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