A friend of mine just sent me an email, announcing that he is coming out of the closet. I realize that these days coming out of the closet shouldn’t be news, but he is in his eighth decade, married for a very long time and has a few kids and a few grandkids. He is a nice guy, and so I told him that I might “inform the world of his coming out,” but I have not received a “please do not tell anybody” response from him, so here goes. (I will be using his exact words when possible (in quotes), thanks to the miracle of ‘cut and paste.’)
Here goes:
He begins, “I’ve been anti Trump since he began campaigning, just quietly.” (Apparently, the symptoms of his Trump Derangement Syndrome [T.D.S.] are now so debilitating that he can no longer stand it, and so out he comes!)
He continues: “He was never well qualified and his polarizing personality is bad for the country.” (Apparently he has forgotten that the 44th President, was a measly one year Senator from Illinois who happened to be a good speaker. His only other qualification was solely that he was a community organizer! . . . Wow, now that’s a well-qualified President! When it comes down to it, the only reason that B.O. got elected was that he was black, because he certainly did not have any presidential qualifications.)
Is Trump polarizing? . . . Absolutely! . . . almost as much as his predecessor.
He continued: “He has fumbled leadership on the pandemic badly, which made me decided to make my opposition public.” ( Has President Trump been perfect with this pandemic? The honest answer has to be ‘No,’ but I encourage those among us who have been perfect to step up and cast the first stone!)
I am not hearing any takers on this challenge!
Recall that Biden and the rest of the Democratic leadership soundly criticized the President when he stopped flights from coronavirus-infected countries. Recall that Fauci had his ‘no need to wear masks’ moment. From my perspective, nobody has been perfect in his/her dealings with this pandemic, as this is something completely different from anything that any of us have dealt with in our lifetimes.
He then continues: “Sure the media has some biases and many outlets tilt liberal.” ( Tilt liberal !!! . . . That’s like saying that if a pinball wizard throws the machine against the wall, he is perhaps trying affect where the pinball will end up!)
From there he continues on with the usual liberal tripe of making accusations without any actual data or examples:
A lot of the “ good” he has done favors the very wealthy. ( Here I can only assume that he is not talking about Mr. Trump donating his entire salary to good causes. Also I guess that he is dismissing the fact that before the pandemic, Blacks had their lowest unemployment stats in decades.)
“He is anti intellectual anti science and moves and speaks like a fascist autocrat.” (The “Trump is a fascist” diatribe sounds like an MSNBC, CNN, NYT, and WaPo echo. No evidence, but as we all know their motto is “if we say it often enough, our readers and listeners will believe that it is true.”)
The logic behind such statements goes something like this.. . .
Fascism = bad
Trump = bad
So therefore Trump must be a fascist!
He continued:
“There are two good forms of government, a benevolent dictatorship and true democracy. I don’t want a dictator here, we’ll have to live with this flawed democracy.” (It’s hard for me to intelligently comment on this as I have no idea what he is really trying to say – to me this sounds like elite “Harvard-Yale speak,” in which they think that no despicable individual in the heartland will be able to understand them … and rightly so as it resembles gibberish!)
Now here is the topper which indicates beyond all doubt that he has a very severe case of T.D.S.:
Quote – “The fact that many expect him to try to use the courts to stay in power regardless of the election results indicate a profound distrust of his motives and means, which is where I stand.”
Wow! This almost seems like a case of ‘Kool-Aid overdose’! To quote again: “many expect him to try to use the courts to stay in power.” What fools actually believe this drivel, without any facts!
He then closes with: “Nothing will change my mind, he’s gotta go.” (Of course, no medicine or treatment can possibly expect to change the mind of someone whose TDS has progressed this far.)
My advice to my friend: “Stop watching MSNBC and CNN 24/7. Get out of your house and get some fresh air . . . Please!