
 Masks – what are they good for? 

Before you all chant about the benefits of masks in preventing the spread of the coronavirus, yes, I have seen the slow motion videos of the spray generated from a single sneeze. It is actually an amazing video, and with color enhancement, no less. Certainly a mask would protect an innocent bystander from this sort of sneeze-spray . . . if the mask is worn properly or worn at all. Usually when a sneeze comes, it comes FAST, and so the mask is of little help if not properly positioned.

The other day on the front page of the paper there were four pictures of four different people. #1 = no mask. #2 = mask tied around the neck, but being worn totally under the chin. #3 = mask being worn over mouth, but not over the nose. #4 = mask being worn properly over both nose and mouth. In general, how many #4s do you see?

Yesterday, I saw a sign that said: “Protect yourself, wear a mask.” Apparently the person who made that sign had never been in an operating room, where the surgeons wear masks . . . not to protect themselves, but to protect the patient. In keeping with the true purpose of a mask, only those with Covid-19 should be wearing masks, to protect not themselves, but to protect others.

I think the latest is for everyone to be wearing a mask when outside. Over the weekend I went to the my local park twice, to walk. (Yes, they have finally opened up the park so that the healthy children and adults can walk, bike, or play soccer . . . but the play-structures for the little tykes are still verboten. . . . “Stay off that slide, mister, or else!” & “Don’t you dare go near those swings, missie!”) Anyway, among the hundred or so people I observed in that park over a two day period, maybe three were wearing masks, and one was me! Yes, I have always been a rule follower even when those making the rules are OTL! . . . Well perhaps, not always.

Today for some exercise, my wife and I went to beach to walk. Yes, they have finally opened up the beach, so that healthy children and adults can go near the water. (However, don’t you dare put down a towel or a chair to sit on . . . “Get up off your arse, buddy, or I’ll write you up!”) Interestingly, very very few had a mask in sight on the beach . . . I guess there is no need to “protect yourself” in that part of the city. The one person that I saw two different times wearing a mask properly was a homeless guy, but in full compliance with the rules, actually wearing his mask properly!. . . Of note, he did not even attempt to sit down, possibly because he could not take a chance of getting a citation.

But do not get me wrong, I am all for the wearing of masks in certain places, for example, like in the grocery store. It would not be good form to have someone sneezing all over the canned peas or the gallons of milk. However, for the remainder of day-to-day activities, all the masks really do for sure . . .  is fog up my glasses!

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