Whose Party Is It ?

What seems like a million years ago, in the fifties and the sixties, the Sheehans were known for their yearly New Years Eve party. Because the Sheehans had five boys, Eddie, Denny, Phil, Terry, and Tommy, the question was often asked, “Whose party is it?”

As far as the Democrats are concerned, the same question is still front and center . . . “Whose party is it?”

The Nevada results are in, and it was another decisive Sanders’ win. So thus far we have Nevada, and New Hampshire in the Bernie column. In Iowa it was Bernie, the Mayor, and confusion. At this point everyone in the Democratic Party is starting to take Sanders seriously, and they are afraid, very afraid. What if he continues on this juggernaut? Could it be that he will win the nomination? At this point, although it very early in the race, the big mo is shifting toward the Sanders corner. However, there is one big problem for the over-the-top Bernie supporters . . . those dyed-in-the-wool Democrat stalwarts, who think they are in control, do not think Bernie can win. This is a “big problemo!” for the ex pro-Hillary, ex anti-Sanders crowd.

At this point they not only see things slipping away, but “those in the know” foresee an even bigger dilemma coming at their September convention. They can either support a candidate (Sanders) that they do not like, or they can finagle a way support someone else after the initial ballot. Who might that be? At present, “not a clue!” My guess at this time is that Sanders will not get the support that he and his supporters think that they deserve. Another problemo, but this time for the Bernie-ites! Are they going to take another gut punch  in 2020? They didn’t like it, but they took it in 2016. Back then, I can imagine them saying, “na, na, na, nana,” you screwed us, and you and Hillary lost!”

What will the Bernie-faithful do if a similar thing happens? What will Bernie do if “2016” happens to them again! For sure both he and his supporters will be really pissed! 

Drum roll, please . . . 

Now for my prediction, which at this time, you will not be reading anywhere else, – Bernie Sanders, who is really already an Independent, will then run as a third party candidate! 

You scoff!

You snicker!

But just remember two relevant sayings, one relatively recent and one old:

-From a 1976 movie, Network, “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it  anymore!”

-A paraphrase from a 1697 play, The Mourning Bride, by William Congreve, 

  “Hell has no fury like a socialist scorned!”

However, just as important, remember the crucial question: “Whose party is it?”

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