What Have You Got To Lose?

“What do you have to lose?”

This is what then presidential candidate Donald Trump said to black voters back in 2016. From my perspective he was right-on back in Ohio in August, 2016 when while speaking to a group of black voters, he said, “If you keep voting for the same failed politicians, you will keep getting the same results. They (the Democrats) don’t care about you.”

Did that “What do you have lose” line work for Mr. Trump in 2016? In the November, 2016 presidential election exit polls showed that Donald Trump claimed 8% of the black vote, which was better than Romney’s 6% in 2012 and McCain’s 4% in 2008. (However, recall that Romney was running against a black incumbent president in 2012, and McCain against a black candidate  in 2008.) In 2016 only 59% of black citizens voted compared to 66% and 65% in 2012 and 2008 respectively.

In a recent Washington Post article, Victor Davis Hanson stated, “. . . there are subtle, but increasing indications that President Trump’s approval may be reaching historic highs for a modern day Republican president with some polls indicating that Trump’s approval rating among black voters is close to 20%.” ( A controversial Rasmussen poll had showed that African-American support for Trump was up to Some recent polling has put Trump support at close to 30% among African-American voters, however both Gallup and Quinnipac are still giving Trump unimpressive low numbers.)

Ex-NFL black football player, Jack Brewer, recently warned the Democrats that a huge number of black voters are now ready to vote for Trump in 2020. “There is a tremendous awakening going on right now in the country,” said Brewer when he was alluding to black support for Trump. Black unemployment is at 5.5%, the lowest in history, and the Trump campaign is taking advantage of this by taking out newspaper adds in local black newspapers and radio spots on urban stations nationwide.

“Black Voices for Trump” was launched in Atlanta in November, 2019, and 

Diamond and Silk, Kanye West, and David Clarke are strong black supporters of President Trump.

“I have a better chance of jumping center for the Celtics tonight than Donald Trump having 30 percent support in the African-American community,” former Hillary Clinton adviser Joel Payne, who is African-American, told InsideSources.

My response to Joel Payne, “It can be arranged that you will wear a Celtic jersey with number 000 on it when you jump center!”

I am predicting a Trump victory in 2020, in part because I am predicting that 25% of black voters will be on the Trump train . . . after all what do black voters have to lose?

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