My original title for this piece was going to be something about a “woke”Delaware judge and the consequences for Joe Biden’s state of Delaware … however, the present title seemed more appropriate.

Most of what follows is from HotAir of 2/3/25:
Remember last year when an activist Delaware judge invalidated Elon Musk’s compensation package at Tesla–twice–despite it having been overwhelmingly approved by stockholders–twice?
From X:
Instead, she ordered Tesla shareholders to pay $345 million in legal fees to attorneys representing the plaintiff, who owned just nine shares of the company.
Judge McCormick previously ruled against
@elonmusk. during his acquisition of Twitter.
Before becoming the head of the Delaware Chancery Court, McCormick worked at the Delaware law firm Young Conaway. For decades, this firm and its employees have been large donors to President Joe Biden.

No wonder everybody in corporate America freaked out. If you are targeted by politicians, your entire business could be destroyed.
Yeah, well, FAFO.
Major corporations are fleeing Delaware so fast that the governor himself is squealing and looking for a way to repair the reputation of the state as the most corporate-friendly in the nation.
The Delaware Governor has responded to companies leaving Delaware:
“It’s really important we get it right for Elon Musk or whoever the litigants are in Delaware courts,”—”We’re cognizant that there may be some things that need to change. We’re going to work on them.”
– Matt Meyer, Delaware Governor
As a consequence of Judge McCormick’s outlandish ruling, here is a list of companies that have moved their corporations out of Delaware based on recent reports and posts on X:

The Boring Company
X Corp.
Fidelity National Financial
Sonoma Pharmaceuticals

Somewhere around 15%-20% of Delaware’s budget comes from corporate franchise taxes.
Delaware has long been considered a business-friendly state due to its corporate tax advantages, and is home to multiple large companies. However, backlash against the First State has intensified after Delaware Judge Kathaleen McCormick ruled that Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s record-breaking $56 billion compensation package was excessive.
Now, the opposite is the case, all due to the attack on Elon Musk as part of the vendetta a single judge had against him. 

Musk, who has become increasingly influential in both the political and corporate world, urged companies to pull out of the Democratic-led state. In February 2024, he announced that SpaceX was relocating its incorporation from Delaware to Texas, following Tesla’s corporate move from California to Texas in 2021.

This appears to be the perfect real day example of “FAFO!
(F*** Around, Find Out” … or the PG version “Fool Around, Find Out”)😉😉


Why ?

Some might argue that pardoning individuals who haven ‘t been convicted of anything is an admission of the guilt of these individuals. Put me in that column!
Although we may never get to bottom of what actually happened on the infamous Jan 6, there was enough funny stuff to convince me that the entire thing was a set-up … a set-up to teach those Trump-backers a lesson.
As noted in a recent January article on Imprimis by John Daniel Davidson there are a number of issues that makes one ask …”Why?”

Why did the then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reject then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s two Republican appointments to the committee—Representatives Jim Jordan and Jim Banks—and instead appoint two virulently anti-Trump Republicans, Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger?

Why did the House Select Committee’s report, issued in December 2022, omit important information about January 6 and fail to address many lingering questions about the government’s role and response?

Why in some instances, did the Select Committee show a blatant disregard for facts. It claimed, for example, that Trump was aware of violence at the Capitol for more than three hours—187 minutes, to be exact—before he took action to intervene. Cheney referred to this as a “supreme dereliction of duty.” But in fact, according to a timeline of events compiled by The New York Times (and corroborated by The Washington Post), no more than 25 minutes passed between the reported breach of the Capitol at 2:13 p.m. and Trump’s first tweet addressing the situation at 2:38 p.m., when he wrote, “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”

More important than the report’s factual errors are the serious questions never investigated by the Select Committee.
Why did Democrat congressional leaders turn down repeated offers of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol that day? Why was security so lax outside the Capitol despite expectations of a large demonstration?
How many FBI informants and other undercover federal law enforcement officials were in the crowd? What communication did the FBI or FBI informants have with protest organizers ahead of the event?
Why wasn’t then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told there were federal informants in the crowd?
Why did the U.S. Capitol Police open the doors and allow demonstrators into the building?
Why did federal law enforcement authorities demand cell phone location data for the thousands of people who were outside the Capitol but broke no laws?
Why does the FBI still have no idea who planted the pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee on the evening of January 5?

The list of “Why” questions goes on and on . However, my ow More important than the report’s factual errors are the serious questions never investigated by the Select Committee. Why did Democrat congressional leaders turn down repeated offers of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol that day? Why was security so lax outside the Capitol despite expectations of a large demonstration? How many FBI informants and other undercover federal law enforcement officials were in the crowd? What communication did the FBI or FBI informants have with protest organizers ahead of the event? Why wasn’t then-Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told there were federal informants in the crowd? Why did the U.S. Capitol Police open the doors and allow demonstrators into the building? Why did federal law enforcement authorities demand cell phone location data for the thousands of people who were outside the Capitol but broke no laws? Why does the FBI still have no idea who planted the pipe bombs near the headquarters of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee on the evening of January 5?

However, my most prominent question remains, “Why pardon individuals who haven’t even been accused of anything? … unless they are guilty as sin!

Fireworks ?

The latest I read is that the Palisades fire was possibly caused by fireworks! Note that the top four causes of wildfires do not include fireworks, but I suppose that anything is possible even though July 4th is about six months hence from the start of the Palisades fire.
[FYI: the top four causes of wildfires include electrical, arson, lightning, and campfires.] At this point even though an electrical cause is suspected in the Altadena fire, I have not read that an electrical cause is suspected in the Palisades fire. There was no lightning at that time, and thus we ate left with arson, campfires, and … fireworks.
Meanwhile news broke that three recent brush fires in the San Diego, California area started in homeless encampments. The San Diego Metro Arson Strike Team (MAST) confirmed this news to NBC 7 on Thursday,1/30/25. That news is believable since on last Halloween another San Diego fire near San Diego State University was caused by a campfire in a homeless encampment.
Let me get this straight. Four out of four recent San Diego fires started in homeless encampments, but ninety miles to the north the Palisades fire was apparently started by … fireworks!


Yes or No ?

A survey recently taken on immigration enforcement revealed some interesting nuances with regard to deportation of certain groups of illegals.
The online survey was conducted Jan. 29–30, with a total of 54,144 respondents.
Here are a few sample questions for you to answer yourselves.
Answer …Yes/ Conditional yes/ No

1. Should babies born to illegal immigrants be granted U.S. citizenship as a birthright?

2. Should illegal immigrants who have lived in the U.S. for more than 10 years and are well-integrated be deported?

3. Should illegal immigrants fleeing war or persecution be deported?

4. Should illegal immigrants who are otherwise law-abiding be deported?

5. Should illegal immigrants reliant on public assistance programs be deported?

6. Should illegal immigrants with U.S. citizen children be deported?

Answers from the survey:
1. 86.85% yes.
2. 42%/18%/40%
3. 37%/-/48%
4. 63%/29%/6%
5. 88%/9%/1%
6. 57%/34/3%

The survey basically reveals strong support for deporting illegal immigrants, particularly those flagged as security threats or reliant on public assistance.
However, the results also highlight divisions over how immigration policy should address those with long-term ties to the United States, visa overstayers, and employment.
While a majority backs mass deportation, a sizable contingent favors a more nuanced approach, reflecting the ongoing debate over how best to balance enforcement with economic and humanitarian considerations.

I have a soft heart for illegals with extenuating circumstances, but am adamant that any who end up staying are not granted immediate citizenship and can never vote.

Murder Is Not Okay !

A lot of what initially follows is taken from my blog of over two years ago, 1/13/23:
“Most reasonable and rational individuals will agree that murder is wrong. Other than in self-defense, murder cannot be justified. It doesn’t matter what the age of the victim is. It doesn’t matter if the victim is an adult or a child, murder is wrong and cannot be tolerated by a society. If you do not agree with that you might as well stop reading and go back into your cave.

Note that here I am not talking about abortion, but rather, the killing of an out of the womb human being.
From Fox News and Life News from earlier in the week, “House Republicans have introduced new legislation that would stop infanticide and protect babies who survive abortion. This is a similar measure to one that pro-abortion former Speaker Nancy Pelosi blocked 80 times when she ran the House. It would also penalize doctors who allow such infants to die or who intentionally kill a newborn following a failed abortion. The Born-Alive Act ensures that infants born alive after an attempted abortion receive the same protection of law and degree of care as any newborn (Life News). Family Research Council: After four years of trying to force a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, Republicans are finally in a position to hold one themselves. The House is scheduled to vote on Wednesday, 1/11/23.”
Back on 1/11/23 the House passed this bill with the support of 219 Republicans and one Democrat. It subsequently didn’t pass in the Senate.

From Townhall:
“On 1/22/25 all 47 Democratic senators voted against moving forward with Sens. James Lankford’s (R-OK) and Jim Banks’ (R-IN) bill, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. The vote was 52-47, with the bill falling short of the necessary 60 votes. Such commonsense legislation would merely protect babies born alive from failed abortions by ensuring they received medical care. Republicans have repeatedly tried to get such a bill passed, only to face opposition from vehemently pro-abortion Democrats, who often lie and mislead about the bill.
The bill quite clearly lays out how babies born alive are persons deserving of equal legal protections, and that they must receive medical care. “If an abortion results in the live birth of an infant, the infant is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws,” the bill states in its findings. “Any infant born alive after an abortion or within a hospital, clinic, or other facility has the same claim to the protection of the law that would arise for any newborn.”

To me the more basic question is, “When does a fetus have “life”… when does a fetus become a human being?”
How long should it take to identify “life”?
The Democrats in the Senate seem to think that being born does not identify “life”!
These Senators are despicable! Murder is not okay!

Personally, I would go further and say that human life begins when the fetus has a heartbeat.